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  3. Top 8 Tips for Effectively Managing and Using Schoology Groups


Top 8 Tips for Effectively Managing and Using Schoology Groups

  • 4 minutes of reading  •  10 January 2023


Schoology groups can be an incredibly powerful tool for facilitating collaborative learning in the virtual classroom. By creating a platform for students to work together, communicate, and share resources, Schoology Groups can help build a sense of community and foster a more interactive learning experience.

However, managing and using Schoology groups effectively can be a bit difficult, especially if you’re new to the platform.

In this blog post, we’ll share our top tips for managing and using Schoology groups effectively.

Tip #1: Clearly define the purpose and objectives of each group

Before you even start creating your Schoology groups, it’s important to take the time to think about the purpose and objectives of each group. What do you want your students to achieve through group work? What skills or knowledge do you hope they will acquire? By clearly defining the goals and objectives of each group, you will be able to better guide your students towards success and ensure that their time spent working in groups is meaningful and productive.

To communicate these goals and objectives to your students, it’s a good idea to create a group mission statement or set of guiding principles. This can be as simple as a few bullet points outlining key group goals, or a more detailed description of the skills and knowledge you hope students will acquire.

Tip #2: Organize group members into smaller subgroups

If you have a large class, you might want to consider organizing your students into smaller subgroups within each Schoology group. This can help make group work more manageable and ensure that every student has the opportunity to participate and contribute.

There are several ways to divide students into subgroups. One option is to simply randomize students into smaller groups. Alternatively, you can allow students to self-select into groups based on their interests or abilities. It can also be helpful to mix up the composition of the subgroups from time to time, so that students have the opportunity to work with different people and have different perspectives.

Tip #3: Use Schoology’s built-in group communication tools

Schoology offers a number of built-in communication tools that can be very helpful in facilitating group work. For example, you can use the group chat feature to allow students to communicate in real time, or use discussion forums to have more in-depth conversations on a particular topic.

It is important to establish ground rules for group communication to ensure that it remains focused and respectful. You may want to consider setting a specific time each day for group chat or establishing guidelines for appropriate language and behavior.

Tip #4: Encourage student participation and engagement

One of the main benefits of Schoology groups is that they give students the opportunity to collaborate and learn from each other. However, this can only happen if students actively participate and engage with the group.

There are a few strategies you can use to encourage student participation and engagement in your Schoology groups. One option is to assign specific roles to each student (eg, facilitator, note-taker, etc.), which can help give them a sense of ownership and responsibility. You can also consider using interactive activities or games to make group work more fun and engaging.

Tip #5: Monitor group activity and progress

As a teacher, it’s important to regularly check in on your Schoology groups’ activity and progress to make sure they’re on track and making progress toward their goals. There are several ways to do this:

One option is to set up regular check-ins or progress reports, either via group chat or a dedicated discussion forum. This can be a good way to get a sense of how the group is doing and identify areas that might need more support or attention.

Another option is to use Schoology’s built-in grading and feedback tools to track group progress. For example, you can use the rubric feature to assess the quality of group work or use online grading to provide feedback on specific assignments or tasks.

Tip #6: Use Schoology’s collaboration tools

One of the benefits of Schoology is that it offers a number of built-in collaboration tools that can make group work easier. For example, you can use the Google Drive integration to allow students to work on shared documents in real time, or use the collaborative document editing feature to work on the same document together.

To get the most out of these collaboration tools, it’s important to establish clear guidelines for how they should be used. You may want to set specific times for group work or establish rules for how changes should be made to shared documents.

Tip #7: Use Schoology’s Grading and Feedback Tools

Schoology has a number of built-in grading and feedback tools that can be very helpful in providing students with the support and guidance they need to succeed. For example, you can use the rubric feature to assess the quality of group work or use online grading to provide feedback on specific assignments or tasks.

To get the most out of these grading and feedback tools, it’s important to establish clear criteria for what you’re looking for in student work. You may also consider providing feedback in a variety of formats (eg, written feedback, audio feedback, video feedback, etc.) to ensure you reach all of your students.

Tip #8: Encourage group self-management

One of the keys to successful group work is to empower students to take ownership of their own learning and work. By encouraging group self-management, you can help students develop important skills like problem solving, communication, and collaboration.

There are a few strategies you can use to encourage group self-management in your Schoology groups. One option is to assign specific roles to each student (eg, facilitator, note-taker, etc.), which can help give them a sense of ownership and responsibility. You can also consider using interactive activities or games to make group work more fun and engaging.

Creating and Managing Schoology Groups FAQ

What is a Schoology group?

A Schoology group is a collaborative space within Schoology where members can share resources, chat, and work on projects together.

How do I create a Schoology group?

To create a Schoology group, go to the “Groups” tab in the main menu and click on the “Create group” button. From there, you can name your group and invite members.

Can anyone join a Schoology group?

It depends on the group settings. Some groups may be open to everyone, while others may require an invitation or approval to join.

Can a Schoology group have multiple teachers?

Yes, a Schoology group can have multiple teachers. These teachers will have the ability to add and remove members, post announcements, and grade assignments.

Can I customize my Schoology group layout?

Yes, you can customize the layout of your Schoology group by adding or removing modules on the home page, such as a calendar or a resource list. You can also customize your party’s color scheme and theme.

Can I use Schoology Groups for distance learning?

Yes, Schoology groups are a great tool for remote learning. Teachers can use groups to assign and grade assignments, host virtual meetings, and facilitate discussions with students.

Can I see the activity of a Schoology group?

Yes, you can view a Schoology group’s activity by going to the “Activity” tab in the main menu. This will show you a feed of all recent activity within the group, including new posts, resource additions, and assignment submissions.


We hope these tips have provided you with some helpful ideas for managing and using Schoology groups effectively. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or new to Schoology, these strategies will help you get the most out of this powerful tool and ensure your students are able to collaborate and learn effectively.

If you want to learn more about using Schoology effectively, there are a number of resources available online. For example, the Schoology Help Center offers a wealth of information on everything from creating groups and assignments to grading and feedback. Additionally, you may consider joining a Schoology user group or online community, where you can connect with other educators and share best practices.

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