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  3. The Ultimate Resource for Decision-Making: A Comprehensive Guide to Thinking Techniques


The Ultimate Resource for Decision-Making: A Comprehensive Guide to Thinking Techniques

  • 5 minutes of reading  •  8 May 2023


Making decisions can be a daunting task, and it’s no wonder why. In a world that’s becoming increasingly complex, the pressure to make the right choices has never been greater. 

According to a study by McKinsey, managers spend an average of 23 hours a week on decision-making, while a study by HBR found that companies make decisions only 50% of the time with the right level of confidence. 

The truth is, we are often overwhelmed by the sheer number of options available to us, and we struggle to find the best way forward.

Thankfully, there is hope. Enter Untools.co, a website that provides a comprehensive collection of thinking tools and frameworks designed to help users make better decisions, solve complex problems, and understand complex systems.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have a greater understanding of how Untools.co can help you make better decisions.

How Untools.co Got Started

Untools is an online platform designed to help users think more effectively and efficiently. It offers a collection of tools, frameworks and resources that can be used to help solve problems, make decisions and better understand systems. 

The tools available on Untools cover areas such as system thinking, problem-solving and communication. 

The online platform was created by Adam Amran, a product designer from Brno, Czech Republic, who wanted to share his knowledge and experience with others. All of the tools and resources available on Untools are free. 

Untools is an invaluable resource when it comes to decision-making. The site’s collection of thinking tools and frameworks can help structure and organize thoughts in a clear and concise manner, aiding users in making well-informed decisions. 

Furthermore, the tools on Untools provide users with insight into the deeper workings of a system, allowing them to uncover limitations, attitudes and biases that could limit their decision-making. This helps users make better, more informed decisions.

Thinking Tools Available on Untools.co

Untools.co website provides users with a range of thinking tools and frameworks to help them make more informed decisions. 

These tools cover areas such as systems thinking, problem-solving, and communication, and are designed to help users think more effectively and efficiently. With these resources, users can approach decisions with greater confidence and understand the implications of their choices. 

Below, we will look at the various types of thinking techniques available on Untools.co and how they can be used to make sound decisions. 

  1. Systems Thinking

Systems thinking is a technique that helps to identify patterns and connections between different elements of a problem. It offers a holistic view of the issue and emphasizes the importance of interconnections, which helps in making better decisions. The Untools.co website provides several tools and frameworks related to this type of thinking. 

For example, their “System Dynamics” tool is designed to identify the key drivers of a system – the factors that have the most influence over the system’s behavior. By understanding these drivers, users can make decisions that take into account the bigger picture.

Here are some system tools available on untools.co;

Concept map – A concept map is a system thinking tool that helps individuals understand the relationships between entities in a concept or system. 

Connection circles – Connection circles is a system thinking tool that helps individuals understand the relationships and identify feedback loops within systems. 

Iceberg Model – The Iceberg Model is a system thinking tool that helps individuals uncover root causes of events by looking at hidden levels of abstractions. 

Balancing feedback loop – A balancing feedback loop is a system thinking tool that represents a mechanism that pushes back against a change to create stability in a system. 

Reinforcing feedback loop – A reinforcing feedback loop is a system thinking tool that helps individuals understand the force behind exponential changes. 

  1. Problem-Solving 

Finding solutions to complex problems requires creativity and critical thinking. Fortunately, Untools.co provides several problem-solving strategies that can help users break down big problems into smaller, manageable chunks. 

One of the most popular problem solving strategies on the site is “Design Thinking”. This strategy involves breaking down a problem into its core components and exploring different solutions. It also encourages users to consider different perspectives and encourages creativity when looking for solutions.

Ishikawa Diagram – The Ishikawa Diagram is a problem-solving tool that helps individuals identify the root causes of problems. It involves creating a fishbone diagram to analyze the different factors that contribute to a problem and identifying the underlying causes.

Conflict Resolution Diagram – The Conflict Resolution Diagram is a problem-solving tool that helps individuals find win-win solutions to conflicts.

Productive Thinking Model – The Productive Thinking Model is a problem-solving tool that helps individuals solve problems creatively and efficiently. 

Abstraction Laddering – Abstraction Laddering is a problem-solving tool that helps individuals frame their problem better by considering different levels of abstraction.

Inversion – Inversion is a problem-solving tool that helps individuals approach a problem from a different point of view

Issue Trees – Issue Trees are a problem-solving tool that helps individuals structure and solve problems in a systematic way.

First Principles – First Principles is a problem-solving tool that helps individuals break down complex problems into basic elements and create innovative solutions from there. 

  1. Decision Making 

Decision making is an essential skill that is required in various aspects of life, from personal to professional settings. 

However, making effective decisions is not always easy, as it involves evaluating multiple options and considering different factors. Fortunately, Untools.co offers a range of decision-making tools that can help individuals navigate the decision-making process more effectively. 

Here are some frameworks on decision making by untools.co;

Cynefin framework – The Cynefin framework is a decision-making tool that helps individuals understand different situations and choose an appropriate response. 

Six Thinking Hats – The Six Thinking Hats is a decision-making tool that helps individuals look at a decision from different perspectives. 

Second-order thinking – Second-order thinking is a decision-making tool that helps individuals consider the long-term consequences of their decisions.

Eisenhower Matrix – The Eisenhower Matrix is a decision-making tool that helps individuals prioritize their actions and tasks by importance and urgency. 

Ladder of Inference – The Ladder of Inference is a decision-making tool that helps individuals avoid jumping to conclusions and make decisions based on reality. 

Decision Matrix – The Decision Matrix is a decision-making tool that helps individuals choose the best option by considering multiple factors. 

Confidence Determines Speed vs. Quality – The Confidence Determines Speed vs. Quality decision-making tool helps individuals determine the trade-off between speed and quality when building products. 

Hard Choice Model – The Hard Choice Model is a decision-making tool that helps individuals figure out what kind of decision they are making. 

  1. Communication Tools

Untools.co also provides communication tools and frameworks to help individuals communicate more effectively. Let’s take a look at some of the communication tools available on the website:

Minto Pyramid – The Minto Pyramid is a communication tool that helps individuals structure their communication in a clear and concise way. It involves breaking down a message into its fundamental elements, including situation, complication, question, answer, and proof, to make communication more efficient and clear.

Situation-Behavior-Impact – The Situation-Behavior-Impact tool is a communication tool that helps individuals give clearer feedback to others without judgment. It involves describing the situation, the specific behavior observed, and the impact it had, to make feedback more objective and actionable

Benefits of Using Untools

Here are some benefits of using untools to improve business productivity.

Increased Efficiency and Effectiveness in Problem-Solving

Untools provides a range of problem-solving tools that are designed to help users think more effectively and efficiently. These tools cover areas such as systems thinking, product design, and communication, and are ideal for businesses that need to tackle complex problems. By using these tools, businesses can streamline their problem-solving process, reduce the time it takes to identify solutions, and make better decisions.

Improved Decision Making

Untools offers a variety of decision-making frameworks that can help businesses make better decisions. These frameworks cover areas such as risk management, stakeholder analysis, and cost-benefit analysis. By using these tools, businesses can improve their decision-making process, reduce the risk of making poor decisions, and make decisions that are based on data and evidence.

Enhanced Innovation

Untools provides a range of creative thinking techniques that can help businesses generate new ideas and solutions. These techniques cover areas such as brainstorming, mind mapping, and design thinking. By using these tools, businesses can foster a culture of innovation, improve their product and service offerings, and stay ahead of the competition.

Increased Collaboration and Communication

Untools offers communication tools that can help businesses improve collaboration and communication within their teams. These tools cover areas such as feedback, conflict resolution, and effective communication. By using these tools, businesses can enhance teamwork, reduce conflict, and improve overall communication.

Better Understanding of Systems

Untools provides a range of systems thinking tools that can help businesses better understand the systems that they operate within. These tools cover areas such as causal loop diagrams, concept mapping, and connection circles. By using these tools, businesses can gain a better understanding of the complex systems that they operate within, identify areas for improvement, and make more informed decisions.


In this article, we have discussed Untools.co and the ways in which it can help people make decisions more effectively. We explored the different types of thinking techniques available, such as systems thinking, problem solving, and communication, as well as their applications and implications to decision making. 

We also looked at the different problem-solving strategies that can be used in conjunction with Untools.co. 

Overall, readers should have learned that Untools.co provides an excellent resource for making decisions and improving one’s problem-solving capabilities. By employing the various tools and frameworks provided by the site, users can develop an effective approach to decision-making and problem-solving. 

As a result, readers will be able to use Untools.co to make better decisions and improve their overall problem-solving abilities.

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